Integration with DocIntel for Data Extraction


  • Extracting specific clauses efficiently from lengthy and complex agreements with nested clauses, varying language, structure, and terminology.
  • Analyzing new agreements and identifying differences with a standard agreement to assess potential legal risks.
  • Accurately extracting structured data, such as dates, names, amounts, and obligations, from diverse agreement types, even if the documents are unstructured


  • Document is segmented into smaller chunks for efficient processing and analysis.
  • Each document chunk is transformed into a vector representation and stored for easy retrieval.
  • The vector representations enable streamlined similarity search using Euclidian distance and retrieval of relevant information.
  • Appropriate Prompts the relevant text is used to derive the final clause or extracted data as per requirements.


Enhanced Compliance: Identify potential risks, discrepancies, or non-compliant clauses in new agreements, thereby mitigating legal and regulatory risks.

Faster Decision-Making by quickly identifying and highlighting differences or potential issues in agreements

Streamlined Data Extraction By combining NLU capabilities with advanced information extraction techniques