Auto Call Audit


  • Customer was looking for an automated solution to evaluate the Agent and Customer interactions from behavioral and Compliance perspective
  • The current solution of the manual evaluation due to the low coverage of the agent interactions was not very effective in terms of identifying the coaching opportunities and compliance gaps
  • In addition to above, customer also wanted to predict the NPS on an interaction and proactively act on those interactions where customers are expected to rate low


  • Deployed GenAI based solution to automatically identify the behavior, compliance and customer sentiment on the Interaction
  • Solution provides a dynamic workflow to setup the behavior and compliance based evaluation criteria
  • The solution ingests the interaction recording in the various formats
  • Converts the interaction into text and performs the speaker separation
  • GenAI based solution then decides the agent behavior and compliance adherence and automatically scores the call
  • An NPS score is also predicted for the interaction as an output


35% Improvement in CX via better quality scores driven by continuous, effective and timely feedback to agent

80% increase in volume of interactions audited compared to manual audits

Proactive follow-up with the customers where low NPS is predicted by the tool leads better customer satisfaction and increase in the NPS score