GenAI for Attribute Enrichment, Content Generation and Compliance Automation


  • Complex process of gathering technical product specifications from multiple sources

  • Scaling the process to enrich a large number of products with quick turn around to ensure listing on e-Commerce site without delays

  • Ensuring accuracy and reliability in generated content and attributes – especially compliance related content


  • Architected a GenAI 360 based solution to address the challenges
  • User-friendly interface to accept bulk inputs for enrichment and content generation
  • eGenAI360 powered orchestration engine that enables usage of right LLM
  • Auto-source product assets from the brand site using customized connectors
  • The query optimizer designed on the application UI layer empowers the SME to maintain all business-related rues
  • Manage and maintain the taxonomy and data model masters for efficient attribute coverage


  1. Asset Sourcing

    Source data sheets, Product manuals, Brand Web Pages, Certificates, etc.

    Asset sourcing uses a mix of technology solutions, depending on the complexity and volume – GenAI, RPA and custom connectors

    Consider multiple asset sources like PDF, Brand Web Pages and Supporting documents

  2. Processing and Content Generation

    Extraction of product attributes from sourced assets

    Content generation using the brand guidelines

    Search and Report certificate names available in the sourced assets for compliance

  3. Audit and Review Workflow

    Audit and review workflow to fine-tune the generated output

customer flow