Transaction Monitoring Text Summarization


  • The FIS Operations team, as part of the Transaction Monitoring process, performs the following steps to create a recommendation on course of action w.r.t each transaction that they are assigned for analysis:
  • Perform entity description search for merchant and CP on the web and summarize it
  • Perform negative news search for merchant and CP on 3rd party system and summarize it
  • Apply rules such as transaction value, high risk country origin, historical transactions between parties, previous case search for CP, etc. to flag transactions for investigation
  • Create summary text document with the above findings and recommended next steps
  • The process summarized at a high level above is manual, tedious, and dependent on analyst skills and attention to produce desired result.


  • eClerx eGenAI solution will perform the transaction monitoring summary text creation process. Here is a summary of the solution features:
  • Transaction monitoring module hosted as a service on eClerx Generative AI Platform
  • Home page for entity and country combination search that generates the entity description text sourced from the web
  • Integration with 3rd party systems for direct content sourcing
  • Business rules implementation for transaction assessment
  • Optimized for greater efficiency – End to end document generation, reduced analyst touch points


Efficiency improvement in entity (Merchant and CounterParty) description generation

Creation of concise summary for each entity section of the summary document

Summarizing negative news articles that the user sources from 3rd party systems

Improvement in quality of output from the overall process